Treatment Modalities
There are a variety of treatment modalities that clinicians use to assist a client in treating their mental health or life challenges. TheraVault's current clinical team utilizes the provided modalities for care.
Art Therapy
Art therapy creates a space to enhance mental health improvement through creative expression. There are a number of techniques that can be utilized through art therapy that can assist clients in working on a variety of symptoms and diagnoses such as anxiety, depression, eating disorders, emotional difficulties, relationship problems, PTSD, stress, substance use disorders, and other psychosocial issues. Our clinician utilize art therapy intervention with other forms of therapy to improve therapeutic outcomes.
Clinicians offering this treatment intervention: Jennifer Billock
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Emotional Focused Therapy (EFT)
Emotional focused therapy (EFT) is a humanistic approach to treating depression, anxiety, and PTSD. It can be use with individuals, couples, and families. It focuses on attachment, self, and the formation of intimate relationships.
Clinicians offering this treatment modality: Jennifer Billock
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Motivational Interviewing (MI)
Motivational interviewing (MI) is a collaborative and goal-oriented approach to communication with the outcome of change through the individuals ability to identify and utilize one's own motivation for change. MI can be effective with any general motivation change, substance use disorder, weight loss, smoking, and more.
Clinicians offering this treatment modality: Samantha Mechling, Steve Cartell, Amy Sierschula, Michelle Boclear, Jennifer Billock, Pamela Miller, and Rachael Purdy-Gardener
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Clinical Hypnotherapy
Clinical hypnotherapy works to intentionally place an individual in a trance state to assist them in relaxing to allow for cognitive, emotional, or physical healing responses to occur. By allowing an individual to gain more control over undesired behaviors and individual can learn to cope better with life's challenges and stressors. It has been shown to assist the healing process with stress, anxiety, panic attacks, PTSD, phobia, behavior control issues, insomnia, and more.
Clinicians offering this treatment modality Samantha Mechling
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Exercise Therapy
Exercise therapy includes minor exercise activities during session to release serotonin and endorphins in the brain and central nervous system. Additionally, it assists in increase blood flow to the brain improving neurological functioning. Through the use of exercise an individual has benefits in regulating symptoms and challenges associated with depression, anxiety, substance use, sleep issues, eating disorders, and stress. It can also help with increasing energy, improving mood, decreasing the onset of cognitive decline associated with aging, and more.
Clinicians offering this treatment modality Steve Cartell
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Mindfulness and Guided Imagery
Mindfulness the ability to be present in the moment without judgement. Mindfulness is a broad term for many other components and techniques that can be utilized under its umbrella of tools. It can be used to treat stress, heart disease, decreasing blood pressure, improving sleep, decreasing chronic pian, improving symptoms of depression, anxiety, stress, and more.
Guided imagery is a technique or intervention (a part of mindfulness) aimed at the individual being in a relaxing state in order to allow them to focus on a positive mental image or scene rather than dwelling on the negative. It can be used to relieve pain, reduce and alleviate stress, reduce anxiety, quit smoking, decrease depression symptoms, and improve sleep.
Both mindfulness and guided imagery are large components of Clinical Hypnotherapy.
Clinicians offering this treatment modality Samantha Mechling, Amy Sierschula, Michelle Boclear, Pamela Miller
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Client Centered Therapy
Client centered therapy aka person centered therapy, if a form of talk therapy. It is considered a non-directive approach to assisting the client in self-actualizing without judgement on ones feelings or the offer of solutions or suggestions by the clinician. This treatment modality is effective for treating anxiety, psychosis, dementia, depression, mood disorders, and negative thoughts related to PTSD.
Clinicians offering this treatment modality Jonace Alexander
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Eye Movement Desensitization and Processing (EMDR)
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a form of psychotherapy that involves right-left stimulation, such as eye movements, hand tapping or sounds. EMDR helps the brain to naturally recover from traumatic memories and events through reprocessing providing the brain the ability to resume the natural healing process. EMDR has primarily been used to treat post-traumatic stress disorder. However, it has also been used to treat anxiety, panic disorders, grief and loss, eating disorders, bipolar disorders, dissociative and depression related to other life experiences and more.
Clinicians offering this treatment modality Rachael Purdy-Gardener and Steve Cartell
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Play Therapy
Play therapy is an interactive therapy usually used with children and adolescents aimed at assisting in the improvement for emotional and mental health issues. As children and adolescents may find challenges in verbalizing their thoughts, feelings, and experiences which can be done through play and interactive activities. Play therapy can be effective for treating and working with autism, ADHD, depression, anxiety, PTSD, sexual, physical, or emotional abuse.
Clinicians offering this treatment modality: Jennifer Billock
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Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT)
Cognitive processing therapy (CPT) is a manualized treatment for PTSD. Utilizing the key components of CBT, targeting assimilated beliefs or negative trauma related experiences, overgeneralized beliefs about self, others, and the world. CPT helps to reframe the connections of core beliefs, factual reality, emotions, and behaviors negatively impacting ones life through trauma (safety, trust, power/control, esteem, and intimacy) also known at stuck points. CPT utilizes psychoeducation about trauma and how trauma works in the brain in conjunction with routine use of screening tools to monitor change and improvement in the impact of trauma. CPT is utilized for PTSD and other lifespan traumas.
Clinicians offering this treatment modality: Samantha Mechling
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Gestalt Therapy
Gestalt therapy approaching therapy and life experiences from the here and now, rather than the past. This modality encourages client to engage in intellectual experiences as well as physical experiences or interventions to gain a greater sense of their control in their lives. Gestalt therapy can be used to treat anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, and issues with relationships.
Clinicians offering this treatment modality Steve Cartell
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Schema Therapy
Schema therapy is a therapy under the behavioral therapy umbrella. It addresses the maladaptive coping skills (negative or self defeating coping skills) an individual has learned that has created negative patterns and unhealthy behavior causing barriers in their adult lives. Through recognizing the behaviors and patterns one can gain more understanding and control over their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Schema therapy can be effective in treating borderline personality disorder, substance use disorders, personality disorders, eating disorders, anxiety, depression, and other menta health challenges.
Clinicians offering this treatment modality Steve Cartell
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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a form of talk therapy used to reframe the way we think. Understanding the impact our thinking and beliefs have on our emotions and behaviors has a significant impact on our mental health and overall wellbeing. Through CBT techniques an individual can understand core beliefs and their impacts and begin to change and modify beliefs to improve ones thoughts and behaviors. CBT can be an effective and useful tool for a variety of emotional challenges as well as mental health diagnoses such as anxiety, depression, phobias, PTSD, trauma, sleep disorders, eating disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), substance use disorders, bipolar disorders, schizophrenia, and sexual disorders.
Clinicians offering this treatment modality Samantha Mechling, Steve Cartell, Amy Sierschula, Michelle Boclear, Jonace Alexander, Jennifer Billock, Pamela Miller, and Rachael Purdy-Gardener
Learn more on CBT on our blog.
Integrative Therapy
Integrative therapy approaching therapy from a holistic perspective as it includes different techniques and interventions from other treatment modalities. Can be effective for treating depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, PTSD, personality disorders, grief, self-harm, trauma, substance use disorders, relationship issues, sleep issues, eating disorders, and more.
Clinicians offering this treatment modality Amy Sierchula, Michelle Boclear, Jonace Alexander
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Solution Focused Therapy
Solution Focused Therapy (SFT) is based on goal oriented and future focused concepts to identify solutions rather than problems to works towards goals. It is a hopeful and positive way to address change. SFT treats anxiety, depression, and self-esteem.
Clinicians offering this treatment modality: Samantha Mechling, Steve Cartell, and Alisa Presakarchuk
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Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)
Dialectical behavioral therapy is a form of talk therapy based on cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), and focuses primarily on intense emotions. Through focusing on the combination of acceptance of reality and behaviors an individual can work towards changing their lives through emotional regulation. It has been shown to be effective for self-harm, suicidal behavior, borderline personality disorder, PTSD, substance use disorder, eating disorders (more specifically binge eating disorders and bulimia), depression, and anxiety.
Clinicians offering this treatment modality Samantha Mechling, Steve Cartell, Jennifer Billock, Pamela Miller, Alisa Presakarchuk
Learn more on DBT on our blog.
Internal Family Systems (IFS)
Internal family systems approaching the internal with the focus being on the internal self. The internal self is made up of sub-personalities that create the whole you (not to be confused with dissociative identify disorder), these sub-personalities are the roles we play within ourselves such as our inner critic, inner child, the wounded parts of ourselves, and more. IFS allows us to access self and find balance within self. IFS has been useful with individuals and families. It can help with the anxiety, depression, PTSD, substance use disorders, and eating disorders.
Clinicians offering this treatment modality Jennifer Billock
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Strengths-Based Therapy
Strengths-based therapy is a form of positive therapy. It's primary focuses are on building internal strength and resourcefulness. it can help an individual improve their resiliency skills creating a strong basis for coping and managing. This approach can be used to enhance other treatment modalities to treat many different challenges, barriers, and mental health as a whole.
Clinicians offering this treatment modality Amy Sierschula, Michelle Boclear, Pamela Miller, Alisa Presakarchuk
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